Ελληνικά Francais English

5th Greek Comparative Literarure
Association Conference

The poetics of landscape



The Greek General and Comparative Literature Association, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1987 with the purpose of supporting and directing research and teaching in the field of General and Comparative Literature in Greece.

We take the term "General and Comparative Literature" to mean, broadly speaking, the study of literature from a viewpoint transcending national, linguistic, cultural or other barriers; more specifically, it signifies the comparative study of literary history and literary theory, as well as the comparative analysis and criticism of literary texts.

The Association aims at implementing its goals through the organization of international or national conferences, symposia and colloquia; through the publication of the proceedings of those events as well as the publication of the literary journal Comparison-the sole existing scientific journal in Greece on the subject of the comparison of Greek literature to foreign literatures and arts; through the publication of the "Studies and Inquiries" series; and also through its collaboration with the International Comparative Literature Association and other such national Associations world-wide.

The members of the Association are university scholars focusing on academic research on, and/or the teaching of General and Comparative Literature and its related fields of knowledge, but also non-academic researchers with a proven interest in Comparative Literature (that is, they should have published a book or at least two articles of comparative content).